Monday, September 3, 2012

Beginning again . . .

The new edition of Prufrock's Dilemma is up and running and can be found by clicking here. I do hope you'll come visit.

Should you have any "technical difficulties," as they say, please don't hesitate to write me here or send me an e-mail, and I'll try to address them. My skills on Wordpress are as yet rudimentary, but where there's a will, no doubt there's a way.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Britta said...

Dear Sue,
I am so curious! But where is "here"?

theconstantwalker said...

All these changes confuse me lol..
I hope alls well with you Susan..
Hugs Drew xx

Susan Scheid said...

Britta: I hope now I've made it clearer, so you can find your way by clicking where it says "here." (It's a hyperlink.)

Britta said...

Dear Sue,
I was able now to come to your blog: beautiful! It starts with this wonderful, wonderful photograph of the swallows (you should do a photo-blog!), and goes on with these interesting questions - and that marvelous one-liner from your friend. I am glad that you will tackle many subjects, not 'only' music.
So: congratulation!
And now the questions: I can read it, I can 'like and share' it, but I cannot comment. I tried - and they wanted to sell me a new blog-adress (I have already four :-), enough is enough! So: how could the others comment? Are they members? Can I put you on my blog-roll? As many questions as Prufrock's - but not that ponderous, though existential.

Jayne said...

Oh, you're brave Susan. I'll be right over! :)

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